

What Defines You?

Once in a while I need to post something serious or thought provocative. I can't always rant, write something funny, or post some hot guys' pictures because that makes me sound like a little shallow fag. So here it is... something serious...

I've been trying to search the meaning of my life. Why is it that I was born into this world? I know I am not here to rescue the planet from alien invasion, but I want to BE someone, you know? There are many people that have things to define who they are. There's something that you will always know or remember them by, whether it's good or bad.

If you see Tiger Woods, you immediately think of him as a great golfer. Golf defines Tiger Woods.
If you see Whitney Houston, you think of her as a great singer and a drug addict. Good or bad, that's what defines her.

Let's not talk about famous celebrities or athletes for a second. Think about your friends or people around you. Pick one. What can you say about them?

"John is good at piano. He is also a great music teacher.": John is the Pianist.

"Marie collects everything made by Gucci.": Maris is the Gucci Girl.

"Jane loves surfing. She goes to the beach every morning in the summer.": Jane is the Surfer.

"Chris is undefeated at chess! None of our friends have defeated him in a chess game.": Chris is the Chess King.

"Lucinda is a huge whore. She sleeps with every creature with a penis.": Lucinda is the Unjudgmental, All-Loving Whore.

These are the things that define them. But what about me? What defines me? It puts me in a sad mood when I can't think of one thing that I feel really passionate about or something that I am really good at (while I can think of a thousands things that I am bad at). I wonder what people can relate me to when they think of me. I did fairly good at school, but so did many other people. I love listening to music but I can't sing or play any instrument. I am good with my job, but I think they will do just fine without me. Am I normal thinking about this? Do you (normal people I hope?) think about this, too?

What's your contribution to your family/company/society/friends/country/planet? Or are you wasting food like I am while it can be used to feed the more important people?

WHAT defines YOU? What can people remember you by? What are you famous for? What are you good at? What are you passionate about?


Anonymous said...

I think wanting to have a legacy is important, but having one so early in life is unrealistic.

My leagacy, for now, is my work. I've done some fairly extraordinary things at work for my age. However, there is a lot more that I want to do, both personally, and at work. So, check back in 50 years :)

joe*to*hell said...

i think some would say, thats joe, the orally gifted fellater

Anonymous said...

I remember you for being such a nice kind guy. You've offered me some advice about different situations in my life and Its not everyday people are nice like that! I understand where your going with this though. I haven't done anything that stands out other than maybe having to agree with Joe on this one ;-)

Christian said...

LOL @ Joe.

Oh look, here comes Paul, the #1 Whoopi fan.

W said...

I have nothing that defines me either.Bah why do people get all teht alent and the others are just left talentless.

You, I think, have a very sarcastic sense of wit.You're a funny person and I am sure other things more. There's always more to a person than meets the eye.

Anonymous said...

You may cuss me out for blogging you but i picked up your site on off cnn.

God wanted me to tell you that the thing that defines you is that you are God's Child and he loves you and cares for you. Gay or not!!!!

Do you hear whispers in the dark from your Creator. A whisper that tells you that there is much more than this life. THERE IS AN ETERNITY.

I prayed for you today Christian that you will seek what defines you and find that it is Jesus.

Not religon or any certain church but a relationship with the almighty God.

I pray that you will be safe from the fires consuming your area. And that you realize someone far away is praying specifically for you.

John 3:16-21

YvesPaul said...

I think about this too. Growing up in a religious setting, they always say god give everyone of us a special gift and I keep wondering what my gift is. I still don't quite know yet.