

Big Mouth

Yup I have a big mouth. I talk before I think. This has gotten me in trouble and brought me embarrassment soooooooooo many times before. My humor gets out of control sometimes. Most of my friends know this whenever they hear me crack a joke about them. Sometimes my jokes can be mean and hurtful, but I am too stupid to think about it before I say it. My friends gradually learn to just shrug it off whenever they hear my "mean" jokes because they know that's how I am. Cristina Yang from Grey's Anatomy reminds me of myself. Yes, Asians are cold and mean. You can say it.

Last night I was chatting with a fellow blogger and I said something mean to him thinking it was funny. It's incredible how powerful your words can be. They can be sometimes encouraging and cheerful and yet sometimes condescending and hurtful. It just depends on the occasion, the time, and the person. I had a chance (again!) to reflect to myself and think about what I did last night before going to bed. Needless to say, I didn't sleep very well.

My supposed joke hurt his feelings and he stopped talking to me. I apologized over AIM and sent an email, and then an e-card, but he's still not talking to me. I can only hope that he is reading this now and knows that I am truly sorry.


Anonymous said...

hi im new to ur blog ^^
yeh i can be like that sometimes when im abit high on life LOL
but now im more carefully with my words cause i dont wanna alienated ppl especially ppl that i just meet...
i hope that ur friend will come mean was the joke? it must have be really mean or u touched a sensitive area....
really asians are cold and mean? well we dont show our emotions often...but i dont know about the rest....
i hope everything works out^^

Anonymous said...

I hope things work out ok between the both of you. Even though I dont know what was said, I think you are both great guys! Its funny how written text can be very powerful because if its not expressed correctly it can lack the emotional expressions that go along with the words in a personal face to face conversation.

A joke told to a person verbally can be taken a totally different way than one typed out because you cant always see that emotional interaction through the text. Sarcasm and goofiness always tend to get me in trouble when it comes to this. You took the time to write out your feelings of not intending to be hurtful regarding the issue and your apology. I see that as a positive step. I hope things are cool!

Anonymous said...
