

Oh Behave!

After a little over a month, my neck was finally feeling better, but I had to be stupid and hit my head on Monday. I guess that affected the part of my neck that was hurt and the pain is back. Monday night, or Tuesday morning, I woke up at 2 AM because the pain was so intolerable that it kept me awake. I was so tired the whole day yesterday and was literally dozing off at work. Last night I slept better though, most likely because I was so tired.

So on Monday I went to get gas. Having to pay so much for gas was as painful as my neck. As I pulled into the gas station, I saw a car driving away from a pump. I drove up behind him and took the spot. I then saw him turn around and went to another pump at the opposite end of the gas station. It turned out that he was just pulling forward, trying to back into the spot I was in, but I took it before he could. OOPS! I felt so bad! So I walked over and apologized. He said it's no problem and he totally understood, and that it's not my fault, etc. We then kissed and made up in front of all the other customers. Wait... scratch that... It was just me daydreaming because he's kinda cute. Where's that missed connection he posted looking for me???

His cuteness was, however, not the main reason that I walked over and apologized. I don't know why, but I feel like I have to act "nicely" all the time because I am Asian. I always think I should look presentable, give generous tips, walk straight, smile at people, drive like a normal person, getting A's on high school math and science exams (just living up to the stereotype), etc. because I don't want my careless bad behavior to reflect on the entire Asian community. I don't want people to think that because I shamelessly took someone's gas pump, all Asians must be shameless and rude. Not that I wouldn't have apologized if I were in Asia... I just think sometimes I am doing extra stuff and being more careful about what I do and say if I am surrounded by people of other races.... You know... sort of like how Americans always try to behave themselves in other countries.

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