

Favorite Fairy Tale

I hate Alice in Wonderland. I think I might have had nightmares after watching it when I was little. There's something about the story that seems so dark... the stupid cat and the hole. Now it still gives me goosebumps whenever I think about it. My favorite fairy tale is actually Disney's Sleeping Beauty. Move over, Alice and the stupid cat!
A sleeping man is attractive to me. There's something about being in the sleeping state that draws me. Maybe it's because men are quiet and motionless when they sleep, giving me a chance to admire their hard, defined bodies. Or maybe it's because they can seem so vulnerable and helpless. It makes me want to take advantage (evil grin).


Anonymous said...

Nice photos. I love the Google Box at the top of your site. I'm curious how did you do that?

Christian said...

Jeremy - send me an email and I will tell you.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to send you an e-mail, but I need your address first.

Please leave it in a comment on my blog and I'll be in touch. I promise not to make your address public.

Thanks! :)