

Tired, but Alive

I am still alive. Not that anyone cares. I've been busy at work. The nature of my work involves dealing with our customers. Most of the time, I get to talk to some really nice people and get to know them. They know exactly what they want and are very clever and helpful. Some of the customers want everything their way, whether doable or not. They rush and rush to get me to finish their stuff, talk to managers and jump through hoops to get to the front of the line, and then it takes them forever to test or review my work. A few weeks would go by and they would come back and question why something they never told me about doesn't work, and they want it changed right away.

Quite a few of these customers are really big companies and are probably on the Fortune 500 list. By the way they talk to other people though, you have a sense of how their business is run. Obviously I am not going to start naming them here because I don't want to get in trouble. Some customers are nice, although I still can't stand them. I remember one time, I asked this guy to send me a file but zip it up to keep the file small. He replied and said that he didn't have a "zipper." Boy, what can you say? In college, I took this class that assigned teams of students to work on different projects requested by people already working in the industry. It's supposed to allow us to experience the whole working environment. In that class, we learned that customers will always be stupid and how patient, detail-oriented and specific we need to be. That had to be the most useful class I ever took. I mean... how much of the material you learned from the college classes can you still remember? If you can remember something you learned from a particular class, that has to be one useful class.

Nevertheless, I like my job because I like what I do at work. Everyone at work is very nice. There's no office drama or romance, so that keeps things simple. Best of all, we make fun of the bad customers together.

Now listening to:
Apologize, Bubbly

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where can I get an application? I need to relocate soon & I want a fun job!
Glad to see your still alive!