

Coming Out

Okay... as open as I may appear to be on this blog, I am actually a very shy person. I take everything in. I don't pour my heart out to anyone. I hardly ever discuss my personal life with my friends. ALL of my non-gay friends don't know about me being gay (yes I am VERY straight-acting.). If you lay on top of me, you won't get burnt (because I am not a flaming queen like Paul is). So due to recent life-changing events, I decided to change how I act and interact socially. I will talk about what recent life changing events are later (or never ha ha!). Today, I made a huge leap forward. I told one of my closest friends (actually my only closest friend, and we really aren't that close) that I am gay... in Gmail and txt messages. Here's a screen-shot of my beautiful iPhone:

I started off by baiting her to tell me her secrets, but she didn't have any. She asked if I had any, and yes since I do have a lot of (Victoria's) secrets in my closet, I said "LOL tons". Then since she had a crappy limited text plan, we chatted online for a while. I told her I worked for the FBI but she didn't believe me. Then I just texted her "Okay. I am gay ha ha" because I didn't want to type that on my work computer. Who knows what kind of monitoring programs my company installed on it.

As I suspected, she was very surprised (see, I am really straight acting!). Half of our conversation in the next 10 minutes were OMG's. She thought I was joking again at first. She also said she did wondered why I never dated any girls but she thought maybe I just didn't care to. It never crossed her mind that I would be gay. Well, tough luck sister, life is full of shit and surprises like this. If my life were a season of 24, this would be THE cliffhanger of one of the episodes.

She then asked me a bunch of questions which I said I would answer over dinner. She cancelled her dinner plans with other people right away so she could have dinner with me tonight (LOL). I will let you guys know how that goes.

Anyway, I am just glad and happy that I told her. Right now I am still a little shocked and in disbelief though. My lunch must have been poisoned...


Christopher said...

"I decided to change how I act and interact socially"...

You had better not start speaking with a lisp and walking with a swish....umm...unless you already do...keep it real girl!

hee hee hee !!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that had to be liberating and scary at the same time. I know I've been there before.

I am only out to those that need to know or that I want to know. Honestly, it's really no ones business, unless of course they want to climb in bed with you.

I hope all went well. I'm here for ya if you need to talk.

Anonymous said...

I am not a flaming homosexual! LOL

Christian said...

Thanks Chris and Jeremy.

And Paul - you are making me hot. Stay away. Ha ha.