

Coming Out - Part 2

Please see the post below for part 1 first.

So my friend and I decided to meet at a restaurant in Pasadena that night. It's like in the middle of us. I really appreciate that she drove all this way to have dinner with me and to talk to me. I met her outside and we hugged, more tightly than ever. As we walked into the restaurant, she said "You have to tell me EEEEEEEEEVERYTHING." At the time I still couldn't believe I had told her so I said let me have a drink first. We both ordered a mojito (yum) and then she started her interrogation, and this is how the questions progressed.

"How did you know?"

"How long have you known?"

"Did you date anyone?"

"Are you dating anyone?"

"Tell me how you met them"

"What was the sex like?"

"What did you do during sex?"

"How do you suck a dick? (My mouth always gets so sore, is that normal?)"

I am not going to type my answers to those questions here. Maybe some other time. I needed another drink after that last question. LOL. You have to understand... this is a friend that I've known since college, but we never talked about stuff like this. We hang out occasionally and talk about family, friends, and work, but that's about it. Yet there we were talking about dicks. She was very surprised that I was dating someone all this time since we met but she didn't know. She jokingly suggested that she was upset because I was getting some but she wasn't getting any. She thought I juts didn't care to date girls and was a virgin all this time. Ha ha ha.

We talked about our mutual friends and discussed who else I could tell next. I told her she's probably the only one. She said she felt very special and that she's always wanted a close gay friend. Now she wants to hook me up with "a friend of a friend" that is also gay, and she wants to go to a gay club with me. LOL She's hilarious. I am not a club type of person. I need to look up directions if I need to go to West Hollywood, but I told her we will go one day.

In summary, the night turned out very well. I couldn't have hoped for a better reaction and conversion with her. We had our heart-to-heart session that we never had before, and I am glad that now I have a hag friend that I can be completely honest to and hang out with without worrying about being caught staring at hot guys.

Have a great weekend, guys!


YvesPaul said...

That's very nice. I'm glad you found someone that you can talk to who is totally supportive.

Jon said...

how nice? I wish I have a friend who is eager for a gay friend and then I will just come out....

Quentin X said...

Coming out stories always puts a smile to my face. It is so liberating.

Christian said...

Paul: Thanks.

Jon: Ha ha I did not know she wanted a gay friend. I would have come out to her a long time ago if I knew.

Quentin: Yes I know. I feel so great about it!

Anonymous said...

Wow interesting how that turned out. It is important to have someone you can talk to. I am so happy for you!

Hope you enjoyed the weekend.

Christian said...

Jeremy: Thanks. I am so happy, too. I did enjoy my weekend. Hope you enjoyed yours. :-)

savante said...

Sounds like you've touched base with a pretty good friend :)