

More Financial Troubles

I guess these financial problems aren't ending any time soon. Rumor has it that the government will take over Fannie and Freddie as soon as this weekend, which can cost taxpayers billions of dollars. Both companies account for half of this nation's mortgage debt. I FUCKING HATE it when these millionnaire CEOs just stood aside and let their companies give out bad loans so they could make a lot of money, and when their companies fail, we taxpayers are the ones that need to foot their bills. It's SO FUCKING UNFAIR! I claim 2 deductions (although I really should just claim 1), and I get 15% off my paychecks deducted for just the federal tax, not including state tax and social security (which I probably won't see a penny of when I turn 65). FIFTEEN FUCKING PERCENT! Now part of that money is going to be used to help those rich executives who do businesses unfairly and those STUPID home buyers whose eyes are bigger than their bank accounts. Sigh... sorry that I am ranting on a Friday night. I probably really should just go out and get drunk.


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