

Christmas Shopping

I got up at 5:30 AM this morning. Sigh. I just can't get some quality sleep lately. I am going to add sleeping pills on my Christmas wishing list. I had this dream about waiting in line at a movie theater and two stupid women cut in front me and I got into a fight with them. Weird dream, huh? I got so worked up in my dream, too.

Over the weekend I did more shopping. This year I started early, but I am still not done. It's not like I have hundreds of gifts to buy (thank god!), but it just takes me a long time to think of an idea and shop around. It's hard to buy gifts for many people I know. They have very peculiar tastes, and they either like it or they don't. You may also say that they are just anal. I don't mind that you insult my friends. Seeing them opening my gifts is a torture.


Anonymous said...

Just remember, I like shiny things :)

Anna Schafer said...

You may also say that they are just anal. I don't mind that you insult my friends. Seeing them opening my gifts is a codes for Oak Furniture Land