

California ban on same-sex marriage struck down

  • Justices say gay couples just as capable as as anyone to raise kids
  • Governor says he will respect ruling, not pursue the matter further
  • Opponent calls ruling "worst kind of judicial activism"
  • State Supreme Court rules law unconstitutional on equal-protection ground
Read this article on CNN.

Today the California Supreme Court struck down the state's ban on same-sex marriages. Not that I want to get married, but I am happy about this huge leap in the liberation and civilization of people in California. Now who wants to move to California and get married?


YvesPaul said...

I'm tempted to get married and divorce on the same day just to fuck with the sanctity of marriage and to be able to say I'm divorced... lol

Anonymous said...

This is VERY good news! I heard that Ellen is getting married. Hopefully, this ruling will spread to all of the other states in the Union.