How ironic. I titled this post "It's Official" and found out that I already had one - it was about The Ex breaking up with me. However, despite the lack of creativity in coming up with titles, I do have good news to tell in this one. You might have guessed it from the title... It's official between Pomona Boy and I. Yay!
Pomona Boy flew back from Seattle last Sunday, and I went to pick him up (with a bundle of lillies, of course) and gave him a ride to his school. He brought me a bag of oatmeal raisin raspberry raisin chocolate chip cookies that he made while in Seattle. He was telling me about making them, and I told him that I had never had oatmeal cookies before (he thought I was joking), so he thought the first ones I have should be made by him. How sweet!
That night, we were laying in bed in spooning position. He called my Chinese name, and asked me, in Chinese, to be his boyfriend. I got up and looked at him in his eyes, and said YES! And then, everything that happened is at least rated R, so I will spare you with the details.
So yup, we are official, and we both changed our relationship status on Facebook, too! Ha ha. I sincerely hope that it will work out between us. Please give us your wishes. :-)
I am sorry. My blog is the worst blog in the universe. As you might know, I was in the state of Washington to see Pomona Boy last weekend through this past Wednesday. I had a good time. Life, or work rather, was busy for me since I came back, so I haven't had time to update this worst blog in the world. Anyway, when I was in Seattle, Pomona Boy took me to Capital Hill (supposedly their gay district, although it looked nothing like WeHo), Olympic Sculpture Park, Pike Place Market (and the disgusting gum wall), University of Washington, and of course, the Space Needle that's secretly an UFO at the top. Oh, and I visited Bruce Lee's grave. I heard it's a little known fact that Bruce Lee was buried in Seattle, so we went to the sematary and paid our respect. It was creepily romantic! The weather was very nice. It did not snow on me and only sprinkled on me a little bit. Temperature was very comfortable, comparable to a cold day in California. It makes me want to move there.
I like Pomona Boy's sister. She gave up her queen-size bed for us to sleep in and slept over at her friend's place during the nights I was there. She's comfortable with me around. In fact, the first time I saw her, she was only wearing a robe sitting in the living room, and the second time I saw her, she scratched her butt in front of me. LOL.
One night, I had dinner at his home with his family. Of course, Pomona Boy and his sister were teasing each other and fighting. Finally their mom demanded him to say something nice about his sister. He turned around and told her that he liked her eye shadow. She sighed and responded, "I don't have any eye shadow on! You are the worst gay brother ever!" That really cracked me up!
When my plane was about to take off at Seattle, I texted him and thanked him for being a good tour guide. I also said those 3 scary words: "I love you." I know... I debated whether I should say it. There were several occasions that I wanted to say it to him in person while I was there, but I did not want to make it awkward. He responded ":-p", and that's it. The next day, I was at work, chatting with him. He asked if I meant what I said. I said yes. He said that he liked me a lot, but he's not ready to say it back. This disappointed me a little bit. I don't understand why. I've always thought that we've moved past the "dating" stage now, but apparently he still thinks we are just dating. Oh well, I can't force him to feel things he doesn't feel, but at least I will know that when he does say it back (hopefully), he really means it.
I am an Asian gay guy living in the United States. I spent most of my childhood in Taiwan and moved to the US when I was a teenager. This blog is about me, my life, people I meet and know, and the two different cultures I've experienced and melted together.