

Shame on California

Well, today the California Supreme Court announced their ruling on the legality of prop 8 and decided that the ban on gay marriage should be upheld. Shame, shame, SHAME on California. It amazes me that as a country that prides itself on its democracy, peace, and equality, people in this country can still be so narrow-minded. What is it to you that you must impose your religious beliefs on other people? Feel free to follow your belief in "traditional marriage," but don't force other people to follow your beliefs. Why is it that gay people have to live the way you expect them to? How is it bothering your life? Why is it that gay couples can't make important medical decisions for each other, pass properties or estates to their significant others when they die, adopt children, or file taxes as married? Why is it that gay couples can't have the same rights as straight couples do?

What is your so-called traditional marriage? Is it a marriage between a man and a woman which has a 50% chance of success? Is that really better than two people of the same sex who are truly in love getting married to each other?

I fucking hate conservative people. Really. I truly do. Ahhhh it makes me so angry!

Read the CNN article here.


hcpen said...

was checking on google for taiwan news when i got to this ur post bout ur relationship, well i hope it works out...but then again if its gonna be long term long distance i'm not so sure it will..but good luck to u guys anyways:-)

Christian said...

Thank you, hcpen, for your wishes. I hope it works out, too.