

Need Your Opinion

Pomona Boy is coming over to stay at my place for a few days and flying back to Seattle next week. He then leaves for China in mid June, and he's not coming back to the states until mid December (then California in mid January). This means that once he leaves here next week, I won't be able to see him for 8 months, which is double the amount of time we have been boyfriends. LOL. Before meeting him, I never thought long distance relationships could work. Really! But now I am in this situation myself and I really want to make it work. Both of us do. I hope it works out for us. I know he will be worth the wait, and I think he feels the same way about me, too.

Anyway, what I need your opinion on is this. For the past couple of days, I've thought about flying up to Seattle the weekend before he leaves and surprise him. I emailed his best friend in Seattle about it and wanted to get her opinion and see if she could come up with any ideas of surprising him, but I haven't heard back. Pomona Boy will turn 21 a few days after he arrives in China, so if I fly up in June, I can also celebrate his birthday with him. I really want to do this. I really want to see him one last time before he leaves. I already checked with my manager and make sure that I can get time off on those days. BUT, I don't know if he's going to think I am a crazy psycho stalker that wouldn't leave him alone to spend the last few days with his family. I am not trying to "compete" with his family or friends up there and take him away from spending time with them, but I also want to spend those days with him. I don't know... maybe I am over-thinking. Do you think you would be happy to see me if you were him?

If you have some cool ideas of how I can surprise him, please let me know, too. The flight I am looking to book lands late at night.


YvesPaul said...

I guess it's ok to do so. Or maybe arrange a surprise pre-birthday party for him with his friends. But don't expect to stay so long. Maybe around 3 days...? That way you're not taking your guy away from his friends and family at the same time you showed you care.

Jon said...

I agree with Paul. A surprise party sounds cool and maybe you can make some little thing (something that is not explicit) that Panoma Boy can keep in his wallet to remember you everyday.

I was thinking maybe you can make this surprise gift and give it to his friend and then after his friend had given the girt, you should show up and give him a hug!

BTW what is he going to do in China?

Anonymous said...

Here you go 3 in a row! Go see him. I think it's a great idea. I think he would be thrilled to see you. If your boyfriends then he isn't going to think your a stalker.

Good luck on the Long Distance thing. Some people can make it work and some can't. Trust and being faithful will go a long way. Some people have "open" relationships, just as long as neither of you violates the others trust, I think you'll be fine.

Bruce said...

I think you need to plan the trip with him. He has limited time and probably has most of it planned already. Maybe have a surprise for him once you're there. A romantic dinner and a few nights in a fancy hotel maybe. Or if you know his family well enough, consult with them about a surprise visit just so other things aren't already planned.